Saturday Bonus/Does it Count? 1971 Dodge Demon.

March 17, 2012



Anonymous said...

The taillights make it count.
And the lead primer.

Jim said...

Sure it counts. It's parked. I haven't read the rules, but I doubt they mention anything about pavement.

Justin said...

A Dodge these. Killer early 70's Mopar muscle.
It's in view and it ain't movin', yeah, it counts.

Dave said...

Of course it counts! Even the hitch is sitting on the ground! (Theorhetically you could take a picture of the trailer 'cuz it's parked) Give the guy a pat on the back for staying all Mopar.

Tony Piff said...

i love that they resprayed AROUND the original "demon" sticker, but i can't imagine the very picky mopar heads approving.

...or is it just peeling around the sticker? is that blue over white over red?

the closer i look, the less i think i know what's going on.

yes it counts.

Anonymous said...

It counts and it would count even more if you took some photos of the classic Dodge tow vehicle as well; get 'em as a unit

Anonymous said...

There are lots of sports that I crazy about to drive them at least one time in my life, but the biggest dream of my life in sense of driving line, that I want to drive Dodge DEMON at least on time in life, just because of its car capability of marinating the high speed on track with full control everybody loves to be drive that car and I am also want this car from my boos like This guys boss bought him a dodge demon(