1980 Dodge Colt Hatchback.

August 14, 2010



Ben Piff said...

That's a fine piece of Colt. Only because of that dope graphic.

tony said...

the orange rust on the top of the front bumper is so satisfying.

Ben Piff said...

That's a good call. As soon as I commented, I admired how intact those bumpers are. Think about how hard you could park everywhere you go. You could be the neighborhood parallel parking bully that no one wants to go near.

Anonymous said...

My dad drove one of these when I was a kid, I learned to drive a stick in this car. Totally bullet proof car.

Anonymous said...

I owned a colt like this, but it was green with gold strips. It wa fun to drive. strong bumpers tpp. The Olds Tornado that rear ended my colt sustained major damage, while just the Colt bumper was pushed in... no body damage.