Saturday Bonus: 1972 Mercury Comet Sedan.

July 16, 2011

Now fitted with custom hardware store grill! See it missing a tooth here in 2010.


Tony Piff said...

had to click that link to recognize the car i originally photographed. awesome.

don't want one, but sure do appreciate the paint, the intact hubcaps, and the lighting.

i'm lovin' the improvised grill and find it far preferable to the flawed original.

hairdresseronfire said...

This was my car!! I LOVED it!! My father made the custom grill before he passed away a year later. I couldn't afford the upkeep since my father did all the work. I was only the second owner of it. It belonged to my Grandmother before me. I sold it for $600 to my friend who still lives in Portland, OR with the car. I just heard he is having transmission trouble now though. He said he wanted a project car, so I hope that he keeps working on it! The car meant a lot to me.

Ben Piff said...

@hairdresser, how funny. I just saw the car yesterday in what I guess is it's new residence, on the opposite end of town from where these photos were taken.

Bmac said...

This car is parked out in front of my apt an is going to be towed saturday 27 2015. So yah just wanted to let someone know. I would love to take the car if possible